Tuesday, May 28, 2019

diz ish onli fer yOo babe... :: essays research papers

Alexander Hamilton was a man of vision as well as economic genius. While he was Americas secretarial assistant of Treasury, he wrote three major reports to Congress. These included Report Relative to a Provision for the Support of human race Credit, The Reports on Public Credit II, and The Report on Manufacturers. His views expressed in these three reports laid the foundation upon which the economic success of fresh day America was built. Although more of his policies have since been tweaked modified or re-named, the natural ideas he expressed have been consistent throughout. The amazing staying power of Alexander Hamiltons economic policies and the success that they have produced are clearly evident in todays modern economy. One of the most profound things about the visionary economic policies of Hamilton is that they not only solved the immediate problems facing the United States, except they also accounted for many of the challenges that the United States would be forced to contend with in the distant future. When George Washington first appointed Alexander Hamilton Secretary of Treasury, the most pressing issue was the wages of the debt acquired while financing the Revolution. He tackled this issue in his first report to Congress entitled the Report Relative to a Provision for the Support of Public Credit. ?It is agreed on all hands, that part of the debt that has been contracted abroad, and is denominated the foreign debt, ought to be provided for, according to the precise terms of the contracts relating to it. The discussions, which can arise, therefore, will have reference basically to the domestic part of it, or that there is not the same unanimity of sentiment on this part, as on the other.The Secretary has too much complaisance for the opinions of every part of the community, not to have observed one, which has, more than once, made its appearance in the public prints.... It involves this question, whether discrimination ought not to be made amongst original holders of public securities, and the present possessors, by purchase. Those who advocate a discrimination are for making full provision for the securities of the former, at their nominal value but contend, that the latter ought to receive no more than the cost to them, and the interest And the idea is sometimes suggested of making good the difference to the primitive possessor....The Secretary, after the most maturate reflection on the force of this argument, is induced reject the doctrine it contains.

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